Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Her Voice

Lacking social grace

She constantly interrupts my conversations

With firm but clear directions

When I fail to make a critical turn in time

There are no judgements

No recriminations

She studies the maps and quickly computes a new route

She only speaks when necessary

Her voice while feminine, is neither sexy nor nagging

During the long straight drives on the Interstate

She is content to be quiet

Speaking only when necessary

At the end of a long trip

She guides me through the thick fog and haze

Using her abilities to connect with an unseen higher power to guide us back home

Sometimes I wish she was more cordial

But our relationship is all business

When it is time for us to part

She is silent

But I know I will hear her voice again

Swirling dense fog
Her reassuring voice



(Published by Red Moon Press)

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